This year I only made one goal for myself: do a random act of kindness every week. Now that we are nearly one third of the way through 2015 (wow, already?) I thought I would share an update.
The good news: I’m still going strong with at least one act a week. [although I stopped posting a weekly photo on Instagram. I don’t know… it was feeling tacky and that was never my intention.]
The bad news: After the initial burst of excitement, it’s been a little harder than I expected. During a couple weeks, I ‘didn’t feel like’ doing a random act. Each time was during a moment of emotional or physical exhaustion and I found myself thinking ‘you know, I could really use a random act of kindness FOR MYSELF.‘ Ugly thoughts, I know, but that’s why this goal has been so good for me. Because, in those moments, I needed to do the random act EVEN MORE. Not surprisingly, I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER after every. single. act.
10 ideas for random acts of kindness
1) Send an amazon electronic gift card to a friend who needs a pick up after a hard day/week/month.
2) Double your dinner recipe and bring the other half to a busy/sick/exhausted friend.
3) Donate some of your family’s toys/books to children who you know will enjoy them [get your kids involved]!
4) Bring coffee to a tired coworker/friend/childcare provider.
5) Bake something yummy and bring it to your neighbors/mailman/teacher.
6) Send an unexpected care package/gift to someone you love.
7) Drop some letters in the mail ‘just because’ [include some artwork from the kids]!
8) Make a donation to a friend’s charity/cause/”gofundme” request.
9) Pay for the person behind you in the drive through line.
10) Collect old towels/blankets/pet items and donate to an animal rescue organization.
Any other random acts of kindness ideas to share? Have you ever received one that brightened YOUR day? Leave a comment below because I’d love new ideas… there are still lots of weeks left in the year!