use your photos: photo display wall

Feb 21, 2018

For Jill’s third birthday, she got a BIG GIRL bed room!  As I was planning her room, I struggled to find decor options that would grow with her for years to come.  There were lots of nursery decor ideas and plenty of tween-type themes, but since decorating isn’t my strong suit, I wanted a solution that would last for YEARS.  Enter my love for USING YOUR PHOTOS and this fun photo display wall was born!

Another important note:  Power tools are also NOT my strong suit so you can trust that this DIY tutorial is SIMPLE.  If I can do it, I promise anyone can handle it!

how I made Jill’s photo display wall

  1. I purchased boards from Home Depot.  They cut six boards for me that were 5.5 in x 26 in.  (Like I said, I don’t do power tools so I left the cutting to the experts!)
  2. I applied two coats of white spray paint.
  3. After the boards were dry, I placed five nails in each board at 3.5in, 8.25in, 13in, 17.75in and 22.5in.  
  4. On the back side, I nailed in D-rings at 4″ from the side of the board and 1.5″ from the top of the board.
  5. I hung up the photos (square prints from Artifact Uprising) using these bulldog clips.

That’s it!  I will admit that hanging the six boards EVENLY SPACED and LEVEL was probably the most challenging part of this project.  Just remember my favorite saying that applies to everything: Done is better than perfect, friends!  My boards aren’t hung perfectly, but boy do I LOVE this photo wall!

I envision Jill swapping out the prints over the years to include photos with her besties.  I think it’s definitely a piece that will weather the years!



Are your photos a mess? 

Do you want to create photo books for your family, but things feel like too much of a mess to know where to begin? Do you carry a constant worry that you could lose ALL your photos? (sure, you're paying for iCloud, but do you understand how it works?) 

Free Training!

In this free 10 minute video, I've compiled my TOP THREE TRICKS to stop your photo stress.