why i love albumstomp for designing photo books

Mar 4, 2025

Looking for the best photo book design software? When it comes to designing family yearbooks or other photo books, I’m all about efficiency and simplicity. I want a tool that makes the process fast, easy, and fun. That’s why I love AlbumStomp and have been using it for years… since WAY back when I was a wedding photographer, believe it or not!

If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by designing a photo book, let me introduce you to my favorite tool and why it’s a game-changer.

why albumstomp is the best photo book design software

1. Speed

Unlike other photo book software that requires perusing through hundreds of design templates and dragging/resizing each image manually, AlbumStomp is essentially just a collage generator. Drop the photos you want on the page and Albumstomp automatically snaps them into a collage layout for you. Just select your photos, drag them on the blank page, and boom—a collage appears! You can shuffle the layout until it looks just right, saving so much time.

This is by far my favorite reason to use Albumstomp- I make books in 1/4 of the time!

2. Simplicity & Consistency

I love a clean, modern design, and AlbumStomp makes that easy. You don’t have to fuss with design elements, stickers, and more. It’s just your photos, in a collage, on the page. The borders stay consistent through the entire book, automatically.

You can also add text, anywhere you like on the page (or on top of photos), using any font installed on your computer.

3. Print Anywhere

When you design a photo book right at a printing company’s website, you’re locked into their printing services and the duration of time they choose to store your project (if you want to reprint). AlbumStomp is just design software, not a printing comapny. You design on your computer and upload the designs to ANY printing company you want! Whether you prefer high-end album companies or budget-friendly photo book printers, you can choose what works best for your needs and budget.

4. You Own the Designs

Once you design a book in AlbumStomp, you export high-quality JPEG files. That means you can:

  • Keep a digital backup of your book (hello, extra peace of mind!)
  • View it on your devices anytime
  • Reprint it in the future without starting from scratch

5. One-Time Purchase—No Subscription Required!

Unlike many design tools that require an ongoing subscription, AlbumStomp is a one-time purchase—which means no monthly fees! Once you buy the software, you can use it to create unlimited photo books, year after year. At this point I’ve used Albumstomp to make so many photo books over the yeras that I feel like I’m making money with every stomp (ok but not really but you get what I mean).

Looking for the best photo book design software? AlbumStomp makes creating beautiful photo books fast and easy, with the flexibility to print anywhere!

quick start guide to using albumstomp

Getting started with Albumstomp is simple! Here’s a quick step-by-step overview:

  1. Download & Install AlbumStomp – Grab the software from their website and install it on your computer. It’s available for both Mac and PC computers.
  2. Create a New Project – Open AlbumStomp and start a new book project, setting the page dimensions to match your intended printer. I use the Custom Album setting and typically make a 10×10 dimension book.
  3. Add Your Photos – Drag and drop your selected images into the project. Make sure not to move the originating photo location during the photo book project or Albumstomp will lose access.
  4. Let AlbumStomp Work Its Magic – Drop the photos onto the page and watch it generate automatic layouts! Shuffle through Layouts in the right sidebar until you find a design you love.
  5. Make Adjustments (if needed) – You can tweak layouts, swap photos, or adjust spacing for a perfect look.
  6. Stomp It! – Once you’re happy with your design, stomp (export) your pages as high-quality JPEG files, ready for printing anywhere!

The Single User License for Albumstomp2 is what you need. They offer a free trial so you can go ahead and design your entire photo book and, if you love it, pay for the program before “stomping” your final pages.

If you love the idea of creating beautiful, organized, and stress-free family yearbooks, AlbumStomp is a fantastic tool. And if you want more detailed tutorials and my full workflow, check out my Family Yearbooks Course where I guide you through the entire process from start to finish!

*This post contains affiliate links which means I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase based on my recommendation.

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Do you want to create photo books for your family, but things feel like too much of a mess to know where to begin? Do you carry a constant worry that you could lose ALL your photos? (sure, you're paying for iCloud, but do you understand how it works?) 

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