life right now [july]


enjoying the last few days of my summer break. How is it already the end of July? This summer’s break was tricky. My son just told me yesterday that I’ve been working “all summer.” To me it feels like a “break” when I don’t take client calls for two months, but the reality is I have to keep my business running so there’s still lots of work to do, even if it’s much more flexible because they’re not scheduled calls. I haven’t found the right balance.

doing all the laundry after the kids’ week at sleep away camp. They had a BLAST and are excited to go again next summer. Now that we have one under our belt, I think next summer will be easier for all of us. Or at least I hope I’ll spend less of the week worrying, hah!

shopping for school supplies. For the first time, I bought everything online with Target’s drive up option. Usually I love browsing the school supply aisles, but this felt easier this year.

loving this brush. I don’t know what kind of magic it contains but my daughter says it doesn’t hurt AT ALL!  

reading First Lie Wins. It’s good so far.

listening to How To Know A Person on audiobook.

watching The Bear. A few episodes in, not super loving it, but going to push through because so many people have told me it’s great.

feeling a little exhausted with home ownership at the moment. Our air conditioner was broken for nearly two weeks during the heat wave, then the day it was finally repaired our garage door AND garbage disposal called it quits. It’s been… expensive.

filming the updated videos for the Mac Basics course. The new website is SO much fun. It’ll launch at the beginning of August so you’ll see it SOON!

getting ready to open applications for the final round of the Small Group Mentorship Program! They’ll open August 12th.

*This post contains affiliate links which means I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase based on my recommendation.

Are your photos a mess? 

Do you want to create photo books for your family, but things feel like too much of a mess to know where to begin? Do you carry a constant worry that you could lose ALL your photos? (sure, you're paying for iCloud, but do you understand how it works?) 

Free Training!

In this free 10 minute video, I've compiled my TOP THREE TRICKS to stop your photo stress.