life right now [december]


feeling incredibly sad after saying goodbye to our pup Colby Jack. He’d been by my side (or on my lap) for almost 16 years. I will miss him so much.

setting up a 3D printer that Santa brought. So far we have only done the pre-made designs that came on it, but it’s really cool.

using this date stamp on kids artwork that came home for Christmas break. Eventually I photograph their artwork (but often that’s many, many months later) so now I’ll know when it was created. I wish I’d thought to do this years and years ago!

reading The Shining. I added it to my list after visiting The Stanley Hotel earlier this year. Honestly, I expected this book to be better.

sharing my annual list of my favorite books I read this year. (The Shining is not on this list.)

listening to Blue Sisters on audiobook. Still working my way through the Read With Jenna list.

wearing this sweatsuit I got on a prime day deal (it finally just arrived). Pretty sure this is the first matching sweat set I’ve owned. Super comfy.

eating so many Christmas cookies. We tried a few new recipes this year- this one and this one were winners!

finishing up a few final touches for my new membership community that’s kicking off so soon!

looking forward to starting my new Flecks of Gold journal in the new year.

*This post contains affiliate links which means I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase based on my recommendation.

Are your photos a mess? 

Do you want to create photo books for your family, but things feel like too much of a mess to know where to begin? Do you carry a constant worry that you could lose ALL your photos? (sure, you're paying for iCloud, but do you understand how it works?) 

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