recovering from Christmas. My parents drove in from WI and stayed with us for a few days which was nice (my Mom hadn’t been here since last December!)
skiing! Reservations are required this year because of COVID, but we got time at Breckenridge, Keystone and Beaver Creek during the holiday break. Life feels *almost* normal on the mountain (I ski in a face mask anyway)!
living in a construction zone. Our upstairs project (turning the playroom into John’s office) is complete, but the basement project (finishing half of it to make a new playroom) is now underway.
enjoying my new shipping label printer… my Christmas gift to Miss Freddy.
watching Home Alone. Oh my gosh it was so fun to watch with my kids… I remembered EVERY line from my own childhood!
reading Know My Name. One of my goals for the new year is to dedicate more time to reading so I was thrilled to see this challenge from my favorite Gretchen Rubin. I’m 100% in!
wearing my new Messy Bun + Getting Things Done sweatshirt. It’s quite accurate.
reviewing applications for the next round of my Mentorship Program. I learned a lot with the first round (SUCH a great group!) and I’m excited to welcome the new ladies.
loving my new Chat feature in the Backup Bootcamp course. I’ve been looking for a better solution for support (it’s a really technical course!) ever since Facebook changed the way notifications work in their groups this summer. This is a more timely + personal solution and I’m really excited about it.
setting goals for 2021. I’ll be sharing my annual ‘year in review’ post next week.