wondering where the heck this month went? I seriously blinked and it’s over!
waiting for our 2023 Family Yearbook to arrive in the mail (always one of my favorite mail days).
catching up on photographing my kids artwork (I shared it on IG this weekend).
buying another coloring table cloth (for Valentines) because it was such a hit at Christmas.
listening to Fable on audiobook (I’m struggling to get into this one).
reading The Last Love Note on my kindle.
setting up a new PC in my office. It was time to retire our really old family iMac that sat in my office and my husband built a custom PC to take its place. It’ll mostly be used by the family (I still love my Mac desktop for work) but I will use it for some client work as well.
writing all new copy for my website. This project has been in the works for a long time and I cannot wait to see how it turns out.
scanning allllll the scrapbook pages lately. Scrapbooks are one of my favorite things to scan (I love to admire all the hard work that went into them and preserve that digitally). It’s funny how projects come in waves. I didn’t have very many scrapbook scanning projects last year but this year started with six different scrapbook scanning clients already!
filming updated videos for the Backup Bootcamp course. The workflow is not changing at all, but periodically I have to update the videos because software interfaces change. As you can imagine it’s incredibly time consuming in a course that has 40+ videos! I’ll be working on them for at least the next month (or more).