Since moving to Seattle, I’ve joined quite a few meetup groups. Some have been wonderful. Others not so much. What does this have to do with swimming lessons, you ask? Well, it began with one question at a not-so-much meetup group:
‘He’s 8 months old and you haven’t started swimming lessons?’
I mean, babies are eligible for lessons at six months. And two whole months had passed without him learning anything about water safety?
Oh, the horrible-mommy-humanity.
I went home and began researching baby swim classes. Simultaneously wondering how I’d managed to keep my son alive for 8 months when he doesn’t even know how to swim!
Luckily, we found a class at our local YMCA and signed Colin up for the next session. He could finally show off his ridiculously cute bathrobe [a gift from one of John’s college friends]!
Now, I’m not making a joke of water safety. It’s important. Totally.
But let me be clear on my opinion– swimming lessons for a baby this little are purely for parental entertainment.
Case in point: The instructor says that the most valuable lesson to teach our kids is ‘not to run by the pool.’ Great lesson, but at the time Colin couldn’t even crawl.
Do I recommend swimming lessons? Sure. I am having a great time splashing & blowing bubbles in the pool with my baby once a week. And look at him ‘swim’ to Daddy…
But should you feel like a bad parent if your 8 month old isn’t in swimming lessons? No.
Did it warrant the judgment from meetup mom? Absolutely not. [If we’re being honest, I’m a little ashamed I signed up on account of her asinine question.]