this year’s favorite reads [2013]

I have this problem where I can’t quit a book.  It could be an absolutely terrible book.  Yet, I always finish it.

Because what if something amazing happens on the last page?

Let me save you the trouble.  I read a lot of books this year.  And while many were of the ‘Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child‘ variety, there were also many that a non-sleep deprived adult could enjoy.


So, here’s a list of my favorites.  The links will lead you to Amazon for summaries & reviews.  Oh, and the best news?  You can still order these online and get them in time for Christmas [books make great gifts]!

  • The Book Thief.  This book has been getting a lot of buzz because of the movie release.  And for very good reason.  Of all the books I read this year, this was my favorite.  But not until the end.  That was when I fell in love with the story. [I’ll leave it at that.]
  • The Art of Racing in the Rain.  I love dogs.  I love books featuring dogs.  But books written from the dog’s perspective can be hit or miss.  I enjoyed this one immensely.  Added bonus?  It’s set in Seattle.
  • Perks of Being a Wallflower.  This one had been on my bookshelf for years.  After being intrigued by the movie trailer, I decided to finally crack it open.  Instantly I was transported back to the awkwardness that was high school.  Although the main character’s high school experience varied drastically from my own, I really enjoyed the book.  AND the movie.
  • A Million Miles in a Thousand Years.  I read a lot of ‘inspirational’ type non-fiction this year and this was my favorite.  As the author has his autobiography turned into a movie, he learns what it means to live a better ‘story’… one that would make for a more interesting movie.  “The character has to jump into the story, into the discomfort and the fear, otherwise the story will never happen.”
  • The Paris Wife.  A great story about Ernest Hemingway & his wife, Hadley.  Although it’s fiction, I enjoy books based on real characters and real events.  It made me want to learn even more about Hemingway.
  • Night Circus.  I asked my facebook friends for book recommendations and this one was mentioned by multiple people.  [safety in numbers, right?].  It was enchanting & magical.  And a great read.

Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product through an affiliate link, I receive a small commission.  Obviously I only share products I love!

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