photo restoration project: my parents’ wedding album

Feb 27, 2019

the story

When I was planning my wedding, I remember my mom sharing that her biggest regret from her own wedding was using the cheapest photographer. Her wedding photos turned pink within a few years of their wedding and she’s never had an album she was proud to display. Fast forward to last year, when the album was damaged in a flood… she was going to throw it in the trash since the photos had always been ruined anyway. I asked if I could take the album and work on it instead.

the project

  1. First, I removed the old prints (shown above) from the water damaged album.
  2. Next, I scanned the prints on my Epson FF640 high speed scanner. I enabled the automatic color restoration (which did remove some of the pink tones, but didn’t bring back the vibrant colors that had faded).
  3. I manually restored the colors of each digital photo in Adobe Photoshop. First I pulled down the red tones even more in order to make the tuxedos appear black and not red. Then, I ‘painted’ each of the colors back into the file. I focused on the skin, lips, and dresses in each photo (scroll down to the end of this post for some before + afters).
  4. After color correcting all of the files, I custom-designed album pages using the Album Stomp software. I created 10 page spreads (20 total pages).
  5. Finally, I ordered the final 10×10 album from Madera Books, a very high-end album vendor I used when I was a wedding photographer. I LOVE their leather albums.

Here’s how the finished album looks:

I’m so happy with the way the project turned out… and my parents were so surprised when I gave them the album for their 40th wedding anniversary!

Photo Restoration: Before and After

Just for fun… here’s a closer look at the before + after edits I did in Photoshop.

If you want to learn more about scanning YOUR old photos, check out my Organizing Old Photos online class! (Don’t forget you can find a $10 off coupon code in my Backup Bootcamp class.) Or if you’d like help bringing damaged photos back to life, learn more about my Photo Restoration services!

Are your photos a mess? 

Do you want to create photo books for your family, but things feel like too much of a mess to know where to begin? Do you carry a constant worry that you could lose ALL your photos? (sure, you're paying for iCloud, but do you understand how it works?) 

Free Training!

In this free 10 minute video, I've compiled my TOP THREE TRICKS to stop your photo stress.