life right now [august]


settling into the school year routine (we started two weeks ago). This year my oldest transitioned to middle school so we have two different schedules to figure out.

learning how to take care of a new fish tank. Santa brought us a small 3 gallon tank, but then we inherited fish from the 5th grade science classroom and it was just WAY too small of a tank to support them. We recently moved them into a 10 gallon tank and it’s much better.

trying this curl defining brush. I’ve only used it a few times but it seems to help with my frizz if I’m wearing my hair curly (not curly like the model in the product photo, naturally curly).

reading How To End A Love Story. I got it on a kindle deal and so far it’s just alright.

listening to The Summer of Yes on audiobook.

watching Dawson’s Creek on Hulu. I like to re-watch old shows while I’m scanning in my office and boy this one is taking me back!

wearing these clogs. Speaking of throwbacks, I loved these when I was in high school so it’s funny to see them come back in style.

lifting weights. On last year’s 23 for 2023 list I said I wanted to start weight training, but that totally didn’t happen. This summer I found a fabulous trainer on YouTube and have been sticking with it for a few weeks now (I’m doing her free IRON series).

playing with the beta version of the new iOS18. I don’t normally pre-install before they’re public, but this one involves a complete redesign of the Photos app. I’m learning all the changes now so I can help you when it rolls out next month.

looking forward to the Get Organized HQ Virtual Summit September 9 -14. I wrote a blog post about why it’s a must-attend event and you’ll find your totally free ticket in that post too!

*This post contains affiliate links which means I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase based on my recommendation.

Are your photos a mess? 

Do you want to create photo books for your family, but things feel like too much of a mess to know where to begin? Do you carry a constant worry that you could lose ALL your photos? (sure, you're paying for iCloud, but do you understand how it works?) 

Free Training!

In this free 10 minute video, I've compiled my TOP THREE TRICKS to stop your photo stress.