a project life update

Oct 11, 2017

A few months ago I shared a blog post about how I’ve switched approaches to our family yearbook this year.  For 6 years I’ve created a page spread for EVERY WEEK of the year, but this year I’m making pages spreads for every MONTH instead.  The first page lists the month on the title card and then I fill in with untitled pages until I’ve included all our photos + stories from that month.  Here’s an update on how it’s been going….

a peek at my monthly project life pages

For June, I created three total page spreads.  The first spread features every day moments and journaling to accompany the photos.

The Project Life App is the easiest way to document our everyday.  Here's a glimpse into our 2017 Family Yearbook using monthly project life pages.

The second spread features more daily scenes + my girls trip to Vegas.  It’s worth nothing that I only included 3 photos from my Vegas trip + 2 sentences on a journaling card.  I carefully narrowed it down to 3 photos that I felt told the story the best (or were my favorite photos) and kept it concise.  I get asked a lot if I make separate photo books for vacations and the answer is NO.  If it’s a bigger trip, I will include some extra pages to feature it (I showed an example of our Vail trip in this blog post), but typically I like to keep things concise.  I believe you only need to include the BEST photos so your stories are told simply and memorably.

The Project Life App is the easiest way to document our everyday.  Here's a glimpse into our 2017 Family Yearbook using monthly project life pages.

The third spread for June includes ‘day in the life’ photos.  This year I’ve dedicated one day every month to using my ‘big camera’ to document one day.  I narrow the photos down to ONE spread’s worth and include journaling that tells the story of the day.  I’ll also often include a second journaling card that has funny sayings from the kids that month (I keep a Note on my phone to jot them down in the moment so I don’t forget).

The Project Life App is the easiest way to document our everyday.  Here's a glimpse into our 2017 Family Yearbook using monthly project life pages.

more monthly project life pages

Here’s another example from last month.  The first two page spreads include daily moments and the journaling to match.  As you can see I cram lots of info onto my journaling cards so that I can include more photos.  The third spread again is my ‘day in the life’ spread.

The Project Life App is the easiest way to document our everyday.  Here's a glimpse into our 2017 Family Yearbook using monthly project life pages.The Project Life App is the easiest way to document our everyday.  Here's a glimpse into our 2017 Family Yearbook using monthly project life pages.The Project Life App is the easiest way to document our everyday.  Here's a glimpse into our 2017 Family Yearbook using monthly project life pages.

That’s it!  For me, the monthly approach has been EVEN SIMPLER than the weekly approach.  I’m loving it!


Love these pages?  Want me to DESIGN A BOOK FOR YOUR FAMILY?

Yes!  I will do all the work for you!  One of my offerings as a Photo Organizer is a Family Yearbook.  I will take your favorite photos from the year (or select them for you!), turn them into monthly pages like you see above, work with you to write the stories, and ship you a beautiful printed photo book.  Send me a note if you’d like me to take this OFF YOUR PLATE.


Want to design a book like this for yourself?

JUST START! Download the AMAZING Project Life app or order a physical kit or buy a digital version (for photoshop).




Are your photos a mess? 

Do you want to create photo books for your family, but things feel like too much of a mess to know where to begin? Do you carry a constant worry that you could lose ALL your photos? (sure, you're paying for iCloud, but do you understand how it works?) 

Free Training!

In this free 10 minute video, I've compiled my TOP THREE TRICKS to stop your photo stress.