Boom. Five weeks of Fit4Mom Body Back finished. This week’s results: one more pound lost which brings the total to five pounds (in five weeks).
This week was especially fun because we ventured outside for a little field trip. Since it was sunny & almost 70 degrees outside, our class met at the park/waterfront. We busted our butts while watching the sun set behind the Olympic Mountains and it was amazing. I can’t wait for the summer session that will be meeting outdoors!
it’s not easy to make time for yourself
One of the excuses I had NOT to do Fit4Mom Body Back was that I didn’t have enough time. There’s no childcare at these classes (unlike Stroller Strides) and that limits my availability. But as I was wavering, Emily stressed the importance of making time for myself. And five weeks into the class, I get it. It’s just a one hour class, two times a week, but it’s strengthening my body and mind.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not easy to make the time. There have been weeks when John was traveling for work and I had to arrange babysitters in order to make this class. It felt silly to PAY someone to watch my children just so I could go to a workout class for myself (especially when we’re already paying for a gym membership that offers childcare), but I did it. No excuses.
You might be thinking… ‘but you’re a stay at home mom… what about those of us who work a full time job PLUS take care of our family? There isn’t a single second to spare.’ If that’s you, you should know that the MAJORITY of my Body Back class is full time working mommas. Some are even in jobs with regular business trips. And they’re still making time for themselves. It’s not easy to make time for yourself, but it’s worth it.
[Update: my final results are in! Or check out all of my weekly Fit4Mom Body Back posts!]