loving all the summer fun we had (pictured above is an ultra-low tide at the Alki tidepools).
watching Nurse Jackie on Netflix. I like it!
looking forward to three free months of HBO so we can finally see what this whole Game of Thrones thing is about!
smiling at Colin with his new watch. I love asking him for the time and seeing him look at his wrist like a grown up!
listening to Jill scream “MY TOYYYYYY” every time she wants something. She’s hilarious, but a littttle bit sassy.
waiting for Kindermusik class to start (it was a long summer break!). The kids LOVE it!
printing lots of test prints from various stores (shutterfly, target, walgreens, etc) to do a value/quality comparison. Results will be coming in the September blog series!
designing built-ins for my office after selling my desk (aka surfing Pinterest for hours).
drooling over the upcoming new Canon release!
prepping for my MIDWEST MINI SESSIONS! There are still a few spots left!