this year’s favorite reads [2015]

I guess it’s sort of become a tradition now to write an annual post sharing the best books I’ve read from the year (seeing as I did it last year and two years ago).  It’s fun to sift back through my Goodreads list and remember all the books I’ve finished… for better or worse.  But this post is also a really easy way for me to quickly share my faves when I see a friend asking for book recommendations in my facebook newsfeed.  Which happens a lot.  How did we get book recommendations before Facebook?

A great list of book recommendations!my book recommendations

I finished 24 books this year, but the first half of the year was FULL of duds for me…. I didn’t read anything worth recommending until May!  Thank goodness the second half of the year had some real gems and I have a list of NINE BOOKS to recommend this year:

  • Wild.  My favorite book of the year.  Interestingly by the same author as last year’s favorite read.  A true story about Cheryl Strayed’s solo three month hike on the Pacific Crest Trail.  Let me say that again:  she spent THREE MONTHS hiking in the wilderness ALONE. I still think of her tremendous courage every time we go hiking.  For half a day.  On high traffic trails.  (Sidenote: Do NOT watch the movie. NOT good.  Sorry, Reese Witherspoon.)
  • Station Eleven.  Oooooof you guys I feel conflicted about recommending this book because I’m pretty sure it contributed to some of the anxiety I have around survival and emergency preparedness.  But I couldn’t set it down.  It’s a fictional story (obviously) about survivors of a virus that wipes out most of civilization.  Basically it’s The Walking Dead without any zombies.
  • Brain on Fire.  This book was fascinating.  And completely terrifying.  Because it’s a TRUE story about a young woman who gets a rare autoimmune disease with no warning and (temporarily) goes crazy.  Really interesting read.
  • The Rosie Project.  Cute & light-hearted.  For fans of Big Bang Theory, the best way to describe this book is Sheldon Cooper falling in love.  I’m excited to read the second story (I’m still on the library’s waiting list).
  • An Invisible Thread.  Another true story.  This one about a career-driven woman who happens to meet & connect with a child who is begging for change on a street corner.  Their story is fascinating and their friendship is inspiring.  Great read.
  • The Girl on the Train.  Ooooh, this one is a little out there.  The main character (the ‘girl on the train’) makes up stories about a family she sees as she passes their home every day.  Then she strangely becomes involved in their lives.  It’s creepy.  And thrilling.  I found it hard to put down.
  • The Husband’s Secret.  This was my first time reading a book by Liane Moriarty but now many of her books are on my to-read list (and another is listed below).  I really like the way she sets up the story and I found the books to be light, easy reads with really relate-able characters even though the material is a little dark.  I know I didn’t say anything about the actual story but I don’t want to give anything away.
  • Dad is Fat.  If you like Jim Gaffigan’s stand up, you’ll enjoy this book.  He talks about parenting in such a candid, honest, hilarious way… so much of which I could easily relate.  Many laugh out loud moments.
  • Big Little Lies.  Liane Moriarty again!  Enjoyed this one too.  I love how she develops the characters and intertwines their stories and then brings it all together in the end.  Made me a teeeeny bit curious about what people are hiding when their lives appear perfect on the surface.  I’ll just leave it at that!


Want more book recommendations?  Check out last year’s list!

Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product through an affiliate link, you will pay the same price, but I receive a small commission.  I truly appreciate your support of my blog!

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