‘elf yourself’ christmas photo craft

Nov 28, 2016

Looking for a cute way to use your photos this Christmas?  After I had fun turning my kids into leprechaunsmonsters, and cupids, I thought it could be fun to use the same concept to design some Christmas decor.  So here it is… a fun & easy “Elf Yourself” Christmas photo craft that works for all ages (including adults)!

Add a little Christmas spirit to your home with this Elf Yourself fun & easy Christmas photo craft for all ages (adults too)! Perfect for decorating your fridge, office cubicle, or turn it into a gift tag or holiday card!

what you’ll need for this christmas photo craft

Add a little Christmas spirit to your home with this Elf Yourself fun & easy Christmas photo craft for all ages (adults too)! Perfect for decorating your fridge, office cubicle, or turn it into a gift tag or holiday card!

This project is so simple that it really doesn’t require any additional explanation.  But, here are my tips for getting the right photo.

1)  Use the camera on your phone.  I find little kids respond MUCH better when they can see the screen so I use the front-facing camera of my iphone.  Tickles = smiles.  If possible, sit so you’re facing a window to get the best light.

2)  Don’t even worry about taking a perfect photo or about zooming in so that the face fills the screen.  Your only focus should be getting a good facial expression.  You’re only keeping the head anyway so it doesn’t matter what’s happening in the background.  At all.

3)  Crop so that the face fills most of the image.  Print as 5×7 and it should fit perfectly!

Feeling too lazy to take a photo for this project?  Then just have the kids design their own elf face in the blank space provided on the printable.  Even easier!


I’d love to see your little Christmas Elves so if you share a photo, please tag me! [@miss.freddy on Instagram!]


Are your photos a mess? 

Do you want to create photo books for your family, but things feel like too much of a mess to know where to begin? Do you carry a constant worry that you could lose ALL your photos? (sure, you're paying for iCloud, but do you understand how it works?) 

Free Training!

In this free 10 minute video, I've compiled my TOP THREE TRICKS to stop your photo stress.