our 2018 family yearbook

Mar 27, 2019

Getting my photos off my phone and into the hands of my family brings me so much joy.

If you’re new here, I’ve created a Family Yearbook every year since 2011 so keeping with tradition, I want to share a little peek into our finished 2018 yearbook today!


I used the Project Life App to design these pages on my iPad this year and printed the 12×12 album with Blurb. As I shared previously, for our 2019 book I’ll be doing the design work on the Adoramapix website instead to save time.

I began each month with a title card (January is shown below), then I filled the pages with photos, journaling cards, and filler cards until I included all the photos for that month.  My months typically consisted of 4-6 pages (2-3 spreads), but there wasn’t a set rule.  On a busy month or times when we traveled, I included more pages.

I also included a couple ‘day in the life’ spreads where all the photos were taken on a single day (using my DSLR camera). This was a fun way to document some of the mundane, everyday details of our routine that I wouldn’t normally photograph.

This year I did something different with my end page- I included handwriting samples for both kids. I thought of it after saying ‘I’ll be so sad when Jill starts making her J’s the correct way’ and realizing I needed to document the cuteness of her current 4 year old writing! Even though there’s not a single photo on this page, I think it’s my favorite!

To create the handwriting samples, I had the kids write on a white piece of paper and photographed it with my iPhone. Then I used the A Color Story app to edit it right on my phone. I boosted the brightness and contrast (a lot) until the handwriting jumped off the page and the background looked plain white.

Interested in making a Family Yearbook for your family?

Check out this post + this post in my Family Yearbooks series!

Are your photos a mess? 

Do you want to create photo books for your family, but things feel like too much of a mess to know where to begin? Do you carry a constant worry that you could lose ALL your photos? (sure, you're paying for iCloud, but do you understand how it works?) 

Free Training!

In this free 10 minute video, I've compiled my TOP THREE TRICKS to stop your photo stress.