colin is six!


You are six years old, baby boy!  You’ve gained so much independence this year since starting Kindergarten.  The transition was a little tough on me because I loved spending the afternoons together, but you’re doing so well in elementary school.  I love when you come home everyday and reenact the various activities you did at Kindergarten… it’s fun for me to get a peek into what’s happening at school and to see how much you’re enjoying it.

In the past year your reading + writing skills have exploded.  You are reading chapter books (and writing them too!) and your recall/memory of numbers is constantly blowing my mind.  You can hear someone’s address one time and remember it for months (years?).  I can always count on you to know my license plate number even if I have NO idea.

You’re my built-in GPS system too.  You’ve memorized all of the street names (+ given each of our house hallways a street name too) and love to navigate our daily drives.  When Gaga + Josie were taking care of you during our trip to Hawaii, you told Gaga “it looks like the traffic is bad today, turn here… I’ll show you the short cut” and then proceeded to successfully get to school on time!  I also had to laugh when you got off the bus and said “sorry we are late today, Mom… the driver turned left on XYZ street instead of right and it took a long time to get home.”  (I guarantee no one else on that bus even noticed… not even the 5th graders.)

You’ve always been a sensitive kid, but with the transition to Kindergarten, you’ve become even more so.  I don’t know if it’s the emotional exhaustion of a full day of school (keeping it together all day means you unravel right when you get home) or if it’s just a developmental phase, but it doesn’t take much to set off the tears.  You do best when things go exactly according to plan + the routine, which let’s face it… isn’t always possible.

I love being your mom and I’m so proud of the boy you’re becoming, Colin.  I hope six will be your most amazing year yet!

Love, Momma


See more letters to Colin:  the first yeartwo years I  three years  I  four years  I  five years

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