You are eight years old, baby girl, and second grade is your scene! The first few weeks you came home telling me ALL about how much you love your teacher (she’s the best). At parent teacher conferences I loved to hear about how well you’ve been doing with your writing, but it also warmed my heart to hear you’ve taken a new exchange student under your wing too.

You’re still my girly girl. I say it every year but somehow you’re still baby-doll obsessed. Lately it’s moved away from Baby Alives and into the Our Generation line from Target (which you affectionately refer to as your “American Girl” dolls). It makes me smile to see you mother your babies- changing them into appropriate outfits, upgrading to a double stroller so more dolls can join you outside, and making the doll bed in the morning.
Aside from dolls, your favorite activities are swimming and bike riding. You are an excellent swimmer and tackle water slides with no fear (a recent favorite was the completely dark water slide at a community center up in the mountains).

Boo, I had so much fun going on a “date” with you at The Golden Mill for your birthday and taking these photos along the creek in downtown Golden (your freckles are still my very favorite). I love you so much and I’m lucky to be your mom!
Love, Mom
See more letters to Jill: the first year I two years I three years I four years I five years I six years I seven years