You are six years old, baby girl! This year brought a big milestone- KINDERGARTEN. For a year you’ve been saying you don’t want to go to Kindergarten and that you’re afraid of going to school for a full-day. I knew the transition was going to be hard (no matter what I said to reassure you) and then we added all the new protocols for COVID- temp checks, not getting out of the car with you, masks. It was hard to get you out of the car, but you walked into a big new building to a classroom you’d never seen before. I can’t imagine how scary that was without a ‘back to school’ night ahead of time to learn the way to your classroom and get an understanding of what to expect. I’m so proud of you for being brave. And now you’re already a kindergarten pro.

When I pick you up from school, I hear classmates yell “Hi, Jill! Have a good weekend, Jill! See you tomorrow, Jill!” and I know you’re making friends quickly and easily. That makes me so happy.
You’re still a girly girl. Nail polish, makeup, dresses (the more sparkles the better), dolls, necklaces… you love to give me (and sometimes Dad too) manicures and pedicures. You’ve always been into your ‘babies’ and that has only gotten stronger this year. You spend all your $$ buying “Baby Alive” dolls, build cribs out of pillows throughout your room, and spend most of your free time making bottles or changing diapers. You’re a fantastic Mommy to your babies, Jill.
Boo, I love you so much and I’m lucky to be your mom!
Love, Momma
See more letters to Jill: the first year I two years I three years I four years I five years