jill is ten!


You are ten years old, and I can’t believe my baby is double digits. This year has felt busier than any other with so many interests and activities- jazz dance, hip hop, soccer, choir, and Girl Scouts! And what feels like a million orthodontist appointments to fit in when we can, right?

This year you’ve gotten into Taylor Swift and you love to sing. I enjoyed watching you work hard to memorize all the lyrics to Love Story and then you performed it (perfectly!) at the school talent show. You were so brave to stand up at that microphone and sing a solo to the crowd!

You also love to make up dances with your friends and perform them for anyone who will watch. And if your friends aren’t around you’ll ask to put on a ‘bedtime show’ with music and choreography before bed. Always with costumes and props… you’re so creative!

Just as always, you’re still stylish and love to pick out your outfits- you chose everything you’d wear + the hair style for this photo shoot! Your baby doll collection benefits from your style too. The “American Girl” doll aisle at Target, with all the cute accessories, is your favorite place to spend your money.

Boo, I love you so much and I’m lucky to be your mom!

Love, Mom

See more letters to Jill:  the first year I two years I  three years I  four years I five years I six years I seven years I eight years I nine years

Are your photos a mess? 

Do you want to create photo books for your family, but things feel like too much of a mess to know where to begin? Do you carry a constant worry that you could lose ALL your photos? (sure, you're paying for iCloud, but do you understand how it works?) 

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